Check the Profit and the Inventory of any product on Amazon

Amazon Profit Spy

Spy on your competitors

This is How It Works

Add to Chrome
Add Amazon Profit Spy Browser Extension to your favorite browser.
Open Amazon
Open Amazon in your browser and search for any category or product you are interested in.
Check the Profit
Amazon Profit Spy will be shown on Amazon's page on the right-hand side. Click on it to open.

Amazon Profit Spy helps you find

Profitable Products to sell

As you browse Amazon, MarketGap's browser extension shows you key insights of each product directly on Amazon's page.
Product Sales Data
Instantly get up-to-date estimated sales data and other key metrics of best-selling products.
Evaluate Competition
Check product demand, customer satisfaction, and monitor competitors' sales.
Profit Spy
Check the monthly profit on any Amazon product based on estimated sales. Works on any major category.
Integrated Alibaba Search
Quickly find the same product on Alibaba, and use our built-in calculator to get profit estimations.
FBA Calculator
Calculate the FBA, storage, and other fees you need to pay after each product you sell.
Real-time Inventory
Check the inventory of the seller from the buy box, on any product. See if the seller is FBA, Amazon, or 3rd Party.

Start using it for Free

MarketGap's Amazon Profit Spy supports the following Amazon marketplaces: United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, France.
Add to Chrome
Profit Calculator

Calculate your future profit!

Amazon Profit Spy helps you to calculate Amazon FBA fee, packaging, shipping, and storage prices. View the profit margin and estimated sales profit you could make on your selected product.
Powerful and Flexible

Product Sales Data

Based on up-to-date inventory information and historical trends, our A.I. powered algorithm shows you accurate sales estimations.
Integrated Alibaba image search

Check Alibaba before choosing a product to sell

Plan ahead and calculate exactly how much a product would cost you with our built-in Alibaba image search. It shows you similar products with just 1 click.
Try our new tool

Amazon FBA Calculator

The calculator using AI-based technology, tells you the estimated monthly sales for any Amazon product. The FBA costs calculator figures out costs like pick-up and packing, storing, and referral fees based on the size and weight of your product.

Amazon FBA Calculator
Random Product
Seller Rank
Review Score
Referral Fee
Fulfillment fees
Monthly Storage
Estimated Sales
Estimated Revenue
Estimated Profit

Simple Pricing Plans!

Choose a plan that's right for you

  • No Credit Card Required
  • Unlimited Search in Browser Extension
  • 3 FBA Calculator Search / day
  • Seller Rank
  • Product Reviews / Score
  • Alibaba search
  • Unlimited Search in Browser Extension
  • Unlimited FBA Calculator Search
  • Seller Rank
  • Product Reviews / Score
  • Alibaba search
  • Inventory information in Browser Extension
  • Estimated Revenue
  • Estimated Sales
  • Inplace Profit Calculator in Browser Extension