FBA Calculator for Amazon

Check how much profit you can make on any products

Review Score
Seller Rank
Item Weight
Item Size
Package type
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(or URL)
How much do you pay for it?
Cost of product
Shipping cost
Other fees
Total Cost
FBA Calculator ship
How much do you sell it for?
Selling Price
Referral Fee
Fulfillment fees
Monthly Storage
Total Fees
Net profit
Net Margin
Return on Investment
Estimated Monthly revenue
Estimated Sales
Estimated Revenue
Estimated Profit
FBA Calculator box
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FBA Calculator
To calculate selling on Amazon fees, enter the product ASIN or Amazon URL into the
FBA Calculator
, then select Amazon location.
Click on search and fill out the product cost (The price you can buy from the manufacturer.), shipping cost (How much is the shipping from the manufacturer to the Amazon fulfillment center.), and other fees (Customs tax and extra fees.).

The AI-based Amazon revenue calculator calculates all the current
selling fees and estimates the monthly sales for your product sold on Amazon and how much profit you can make.