FBA Calculator for Amazon

Check how much profit you can make on any products

Review Score
Seller Rank
Item Weight
Item Size
Package type
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(or URL)
How much do you pay for it?
Cost of product
Shipping cost
Other fees
Total Cost
FBA Calculator ship
How much do you sell it for?
Selling Price
Referral Fee
Fulfillment fees
Monthly Storage
Total Fees
Net profit
Net Margin
Return on Investment
Estimated Monthly revenue
Estimated Sales
Estimated Revenue
Estimated Profit
FBA Calculator box
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FBA Calculator
To calculate selling on Amazon fees, enter the product ASIN or Amazon URL into the
FBA Calculator
, then select Amazon location.
Click on search and fill out the product cost (The price you can buy from the manufacturer.), shipping cost (How much is the shipping from the manufacturer to the Amazon fulfillment center.), and other fees (Customs tax and extra fees.).

The AI-based Amazon revenue calculator calculates all the current
selling fees and estimates the monthly sales for your product sold on Amazon and how much profit you can make.
FBA Calculator How to use

How to use the FBA Calculator?

Step 1: Calculate Your Total Cost

  1. Cost of Product: Determine the purchase price of your product. Use the “Check on Alibaba” function to explore purchase options from China.
  2. Shipping Cost: Input the cost of shipping the product to Amazon’s warehouse.
  3. Other Fees: Include any additional fees, like Customs fees.
  4. Total Cost: Sum of the Cost of the Product + Shipping Cost + Other Fees.

Step 2: Set Your Selling Price

  1. Selling Price: Use the product’s current Amazon price as a default. Adjust using the provided slider or input field.
  2. Referral Fees: Amazon’s fee varies between 8-15%, depending on the product category.
  3. Fulfillment Fees: Fees charged by Amazon for handling and shipping your product.
  4. Monthly Storage: Fee based on the cubic feet your inventory occupies.

Step 3: Understand Your Fees and Profit

  1. Total Fees: Sum of Referral Fee + Fulfillment Fee + Monthly Storage.
  2. Net Profit: Selling price minus Total Cost and Total Fees.
  3. Net Margin: Percentage of net income from the sale, calculated as Net Profit / Selling Price.
  4. Return on Investment (ROI): ROI is Net Profit / Total Cost.

Step 4: Estimate Your Monthly Revenue

  1. Estimated Sales: Monthly sales volume estimate based on the product’s category and Best Seller rank.
  2. Estimated Revenue: Monthly revenue estimate, calculated by estimated sold items x product price.
  3. Estimated Profit: Monthly profit estimate, calculated by estimated sold items x Net Profit.

FBA Calculator for Amazon, FBA Estimator

  1. The Amazon FBA calculator is a free tool provided on Seller Central to help sellers estimate the costs of selling through the FBA program.
  2. MarketGap's revenue calculator goes a step further by allowing sellers to estimate their monthly sales, revenue, and profit after all fees have been deducted.

How to Use the Amazon FBA Calculator for Profit Optimization?

  1. Enter the product's ASIN or Amazon URL, then select the country where you wish to sell your product.
  2. Fill in the details about the cost of the product (the price at which you can buy from the manufacturer), shipping cost (the expense from the manufacturer to Amazon's fulfillment center), and any other fees (like customs tax and extra fees).
  3. The FBA calculator will then provide you with information on the referral fee, fulfillment fees, monthly storage fees, net profit, net margin, return on investment, estimated sales, estimated revenue, and estimated profit, helping you understand the financial aspects of selling your product through Amazon FBA.

MarketGap's Amazon FBA Calculator Google Chrome and Edge plugin in app store

  1. Amazon FBA Calculator shows estimated mothly sales volume, seller fees, Amazon net profit, ROI, product costs, and profitability.
  2. Browse Amazon using the MarketGap FBA Calculator browser extension, your access point to instant, essential product insights seamlessly integrated into Amazon's environment.

FBA Calculator FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about the FBA Calculator

FBA Calculator FAQs

FBA Calculator Calculation
What is Amazon FBA calculator?

The Amazon FBA calculator is a tool that assists sellers in estimating the expenses of selling via Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program. Based on the size and weight of the products, the calculator calculates expenses such as pick and pack, storage, and referral fees. This enables merchants to precisely calculate their overall cost of selling things through Amazon FBA.

Furthermore, MarketGap's revenue calculator can assist sellers in determining how much profit they can make after deducting all applicable fees and multiplying it by the estimated number of sold items per month.

Is the Amazon FBA calculator free?

Yes, using the Amazon FBA calculator on Seller Central is free and simple. However, a paid fee calculator is required if you need more detailed information, such as estimated monthly sold items per product or monthly profit. In MarketGap's solution, you can easily drag the selling price control to see how all costs and profit change when adding or deducting the price.

How to use the Amazon FBA calculator?

Enter the product ASIN or Amazon URL, then select the country you wish to sell your product. After that, click on search and fill out the

  • Cost of the product (The price you can buy from the manufacturer.)
  • Shipping cost (How much is the shipping from the manufacturer to the Amazon fulfillment center.)
  • Other fees (Customs tax and extra fees.)

The FBA calculator tells you the followings:

  • Referral Fee
  • Fulfillment fees
  • Monthly Storage
  • Net profit
  • Net Margin
  • Return on Investment
  • Estimated Sales
  • Estimated Revenue
  • Estimated Profit

This is how to use the Amazon revenue calculator to determine your profit.

How to use the FBA calculator for beginners?

Using the Amazon fee calculator as a beginner is a simple procedure.

  1. First, choose your target market.
  2. Then, enter the ASIN or title of the product.
  3. Then, click Search.

The FBA calculator will calculate your Amazon fees, fulfillment expenses, and monthly storage.

Amazon Revenue calculator has the option to add items not previously offered on Amazon by choosing the "Define product" option.

  1. You must decide where you wish to sell.
  2. Include package dimensions.
  3. Unit weight should be added.
  4. Choose a product category.
  5. Add the item's price.
  6. Include your shipping cost.
How to use the FBA calculator for new products?

By selecting the "Define product" option in the Amazon Revenue Calculator in Seller Central, you may add items not previously available on Amazon.

You must specify where you want to sell, provide package dimensions and unit weight, choose a product category, enter the item's price, and enter your delivery cost.

Now you know how to use the calculator for new products.

Is Amazon FBA calculator accurate?

Yes, sellers can have full faith in the accuracy of the FBA calculator when determining the potential profits of their products and services. MarketGap's tool can estimate prospective profits by considering various factors such as FBA fees, sales volume, commodities, and shipping costs. After the vendor has input all the necessary data into the calculator, they can estimate the possible earnings accurately.

Pros and cons of using the Amazon FBA calculator

The pros and cons of using the revenue calculator are the following:


  • Offers precise details on the expenses and charges associated with the shipment
  • Calculates profit margins automatically by itself
  • Simple to use


  • When analyzing Amazon's sales strategies, the Amazon FBA fee calculator is just one of many factors to consider.
  • It is difficult to determine the profitability without considering the costs related to advertising.
Free vs. paid FBA fee calculator

The difference between free vs. paid FBA calculator is the following:

Free FBA calculators merely show you the various Amazon fees. However, a premium Amazon revenue calculator shows you the predicted monthly sold items per product and the monthly profit. Furthermore, you can quickly slide the selling price control in MarketGap's calculator to observe how all expenses and earnings vary when adding or subtracting the price.

How can calculate the profit with the Amazon Revenue calculator?

Enter an Amazon product's ASIN number or copy and paste the product URL to calculate your profit. After that, you must fill out the product cost, shipping, and other fees such as tax and customs. When you are done, the revenue calculator shows you the estimated monthly profit you can make based on the estimated sales counted by MarketGap's AI.

Why is the Amazon FBA revenue calculator not working?

There are several reasons why the Amazon FBA income calculator is not functioning properly. It might be due to a website technical failure, inaccurate data entry, or a programming flaw. Before contacting Amazon for assistance, try troubleshooting techniques to establish the actual reason for the issue.

What Fees Will Amazon Calculators Consider?

This tool calculates all the fees and expenses that come with selling products through Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon service, such as:

Amazon fees:
  • Referral fee
  • Fixed Closing fee
  • Variable Closing fee
FBA Fulfillment cost:
  • FBA fulfillment fees
  • Service add-ons
Storage cost:
  • Monthly storage cost per unit
  • Storage cost per unit sold
Other costs:
  • Cost of goods sold
  • Miscellaneous cost

It is designed to give businesses an idea of the cost of using Amazon services for their items.

Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Profits with an FBA Calculator

To maximize profits with an FBA calculator, sellers should consider the following tips and tricks:

  • Research products carefully. Before selecting an item to sell on Amazon, thoroughly research the product's pricing, sales trends, demand levels, and competition.
  • Monitor industry trends. Keep up with market trends and changes in Amazon's Fee Structure so you can adjust your prices accordingly.
  • Know the rules. Familiarize yourself with Amazon’s policies, restrictions, and shipping requirements to ensure you are not breaking any of their rules when selling products through FBA.
  • Optimize pricing. Ensure that your retail price covers all your costs while making a profit.
MarketGap is one of the best FBA calculators

MarketGap's solution is one of the best FBA calculators. The best features of this Amazon FBA calculator are:

  • MarketGap's FBA calculator estimates referral, fulfillment, and monthly storage costs properly and rapidly.
  • MarketGap delivers up-to-date predicted sales statistics for any product on the Amazon marketplace, customer satisfaction ratings, and competition analyses.
  • MarketGap's Integrated Alibaba Search identifies items from Alibaba fast and includes a built-in FBA calculator for instant profit estimates.
  • MarketGap also has a Real-time Inventory function that displays the inventory of other vendors on any product.
  • Profit Spy, a browser plugin developed by MarketGap, allows merchants to rapidly examine the monthly profit of all goods on any Amazon page based on predicted sales.

Yes, paid FBA calculators are better because they have extra features over the free versions.

  • Paid Amazon sales estimator can tell you how many sales of any product on Amazon have monthly. This is the best feature because you can calculate your future profit easily.
  • When determining Amazon revenues, accounting for FBA fees, shipping expenses, and other pertinent elements is essential.
  • User-friendly interfaces for data entry and presentation of results.
  • Forecasting Amazon income, expenses, margins, and more.
  • The ability to tailor data to meet the demands of Amazon merchants.
How can Amazon sellers use the profit calculator to their advantage?

Amazon merchants can use the profit calculator to their advantage by calculating all arising costs of using FBA services.

This includes

  • Amazon fees
    1. Referral Fee
    2. Fixed Closing Fee
    3. Variable Closing Fee
  • Fulfillment costs
  • Storage fees

Sellers can earn more profits by understanding these fees and calculating them into the overall cost of their business model. FBA tools like MarketGap also help sellers estimate their monthly sales by products.

The Benefits of Using an FBA Calculator

There are several benefits of using the Amazon profit calculator:

  1. Accurate fee calculation that maximizes your profits and also optimizes your business strategy.
  2. You can quickly compare different FBA options from multiple Amazon locations, such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, and Asia.
  3. Additional cost calculation helps you set the right price for every product you are selling.
  4. Planning long-term storage fees in different periods of the year (Jan-Sep Cheaper than Oct-Dec).
  5. 3rd party calculators help competitors with inventory level tracking.
Free FBA calculators

The most popular Amazon FBA calculators that you can use for free are:

  • Amazon's Profit calculator (Amazon offers this tool for free).
  • MarketGap FBA Calculator is free three times daily with a special feature that tells you the monthly sales data and a link to Alibaba, where you can easily find the same product.
  • MarketGap's ProfitSpy browser plugin is a free tool for sellers to calculate Amazon selling costs. Additionally, you can pay for extra features like accurate AI-based monthly sales data.
  • JungleScout has a basic Excel sheet if you give them to your email address.
  • AMZScout offers a Chrome plugin.
  • ProfitGuru gives you five searches daily without paying for their premium plan.
  • SellerSprite can calculate fees for new products only.
How to use the Amazon fee calculator for professional users?

The best choice is to use a paid fee calculator for professional Amazon sellers.

Using the MarketGap fee calculator, professional sellers get estimated product monthly sales data from MarketGap's AI-based estimator. This was the most wanted feature among professional Amazon sellers in the beta testing period.

Also worth mentioning is the search for this product on the Alibaba.com button. This button searches for the same product on Alibaba, and you can see the manufacturer's pricing immediately.

What does an FBA Calculator do?

With Amazon's FBA service, you can use the Amazon FBA Calculator to determine your earnings and FBA fees. It shows how much Amazon FBA costs for storing products, referral fees, and pick packs.

This tool also figures out how much money Amazon FBA sellers make. Take the FBA fees out of the seller's total income. This tool helps figure out what a product's profit margin is.

Simply put, the FBA calculator does the fee calculations for sellers to make better decisions.

How does the FBA Calculator work for calculating profits and expenses?

The FBA Calculator uses a comprehensive approach to calculate the potential profits and expenses associated with selling products on Amazon. By entering details like cost, shipping, dimensions (length, height, weight), and ASIN, sellers can get an accurate estimate of fees, including fulfillment, referral, and monthly storage fees, as well as net profit and ROI.

How does MarketGap ensure the privacy and security of data entered into the FBA Calculator?

MarketGap prioritizes user privacy and data security. The FBA Calculator is designed with the latest security measures, including encryption and secure login processes. Additionally, MarketGap's privacy policy details how data is collected, used, and protected, giving users peace of mind when using the calculator.

Can the FBA Calculator estimate fees for international marketplaces like Amazon Canada, Italy, Spain, and India?

MarketGap's FBA Calculator is equipped to estimate fees for various international marketplaces, including Amazon US, Canada, UK, Germany, Italy, Spain and France. By selecting the desired marketplace and entering product details, sellers can get accurate fee estimates and profitability analysis for selling globally.

How does the calculation process work with Marketgap's FBA calculator for forecasting sales and profits?

The calculator employs a comprehensive algorithm that incorporates various factors such as item weight, dimensions, category, and shipping costs to provide an accurate forecast of sales and profits. It is not leverages data from sources like Freightos for shipping estimates and Feedvisor for pricing analytics. Users receive strategic marketing insights to optimize their finances.

Can the FBA calculator help in deciding the optimal quantity and budget allocation for new products?

Yes, by inputting product-specific data the calculator suggests an optimal inventory quantity and budget allocation. This feature is particularly useful for brands and sellers focusing on growing their product lines strategically.

Is there a way to compare FBA fees with other services like FBM using the calculator?

Marketgap's FBA calculator is not features an extended comparison tool. You can search from the top right corner of the interface. This tool allows users to input their product details once and see FBA fees, sales voume, helping them to decide the best fulfillment option based on their specific circumstances.

How can children's product brands benefit from using the free tool provided by marketgap.pro?

Brands specializing in children's products can use the calculator to apply specific considerations, such as safety standards and shipping requirements, to lower their overall costs. The tool offers precise calculation in each category.

What resources does Marketgap offer for users interested in strategic marketing and leadership in e-commerce?

Beyond this FBA calculator, Marketgap provides extensions for browsers, including FBA Calculator and FBA estimator. Interested users can try a demo to discover how these tools work together to support decision-making and leadership in the e-commerce space.

How does the FBA calculator integrate with platforms like Shipper or Freightos for calculating shipping costs?

The calculator does not integrates with platforms such as Shipper and Freightos at this moment, to import their shipping rates directly. In the feature this integration helps in accurately calculating the total cost of selling a product on Amazon, including manufacturing, shipping, and FBA fees.

Yes, Marketgap has affiliate partnerships that users can join. Details about these partnerships are featured in email, offering opportunities for users to earn through referrals. Additionally, products and free tools recommended by Marketgap, including the FBA calculator, often come with special offers for users.

How can users ensure they're using the FBA calculator correctly for items listed under a specific subcategory or with unique identifiers like ISBN UPC or EAN?

The calculator can be used by Amazon URL or ASIN.

What features does the calculator offer for wholesale sellers interested in analyzing their finances and FBA profit margins?

Wholesale sellers will find the calculator particularly useful for its detailed finance and profit analysis features. It allows sellers to input purchase prices and quantity, then calculates potential profits considering FBA fees and other costs. This makes it a valuable tool for managing finances and ensuring profitability.

How often does Marketgap update its FBA calculator, and how can users stay informed about these updates?

Marketgap regularly updates its FBA calculator to reflect changes in Amazon's fees, shipping rates, and market trends. Users can subscribe to Marketgap's newsletter for updates and alerts on new features and tools. Additionally, the site offers resources and tutorials to help users stay ahead in the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape.

How does exactly the "FBA Calculator" adapt its forecasting to account for seasonal sales fluctuations?

The FBA Calculator works in a way that incorporates advanced forecasting math algorithms, identifying patterns and trends to adjust for seasonal fluctuations to be calculated. By calculating the ratio of sales increases or decreases during specific times of the year, it provides sellers with very accurate predictions on inventory needs. This feature ensures that businesses can be able to precisely plan for inventory stocking, helping to lower costs associated with overstocking or stockouts during peak seasons.

Comments for MarketGap's FBA Calculator

FBA Calculator Comments
FBA Calculator Comments

FBA Calculator


MarketGap FBA Calculator similar item

FBA Calculator is fast

FBA Calculator is free

FBA Calculator helps you to find the best product to sell

FBA Calculator is AI-powered

Amazon FBA Calculator

Optimizing Your Brand for Viral Success with FBA Calculator

FBA Calculator

FBA Estimator


list price


pricing strategy



net profit


profit margins



profit margin


FBA Calculation

ASIN: Utilize the ASIN to efficiently manage your inventory and streamline your e-commerce operations on Amazon. Price: Set your product's price strategically to balance profit margins and competitive positioning in the Amazon marketplace. Reviews: Positive customer feedback, reflected in reviews, is a critical factor in enhancing your product's credibility and sales potential. Review Score: A high review score on Amazon not only boosts your product’s visibility but also influences the buyer's certainty in purchasing. Category: Selecting the right category for your product on Amazon can significantly impact your seller rank and visibility. Seller Rank: Your seller rank on Amazon, influenced by sales volume and customer feedback, is crucial for maintaining visibility and competitiveness. Item Weight: Consider the weight of your product in calculating freight rates and FBA fees to optimize your pricing strategy. Item Size: The dimensions (length, height, width) of your item affect shipping costs and packaging choices in the Amazon FBA program. Package Type: Choosing the appropriate package type is essential for cost-effective shipping and ensuring product safety. Profit Margin: Maintain a healthy profit margin by balancing product cost, FBA fees, and competitive pricing. Buybox: Securing the Buybox on Amazon can significantly increase your sales and visibility, influenced by pricing, customer feedback, and inventory management. List Price: Set a competitive list price for your product, considering Amazon's dynamic pricing environment and your profit margins. Pricing: Effective pricing on Amazon requires a balance of market research, cost analysis, and understanding of e-commerce dynamics. Pricing Strategy: Develop a robust pricing strategy that considers Amazon's competitive landscape, your cost structure, and profit objectives. Percentage: Use percentages to analyze and adjust your pricing and profit margins in response to market changes on Amazon. E-commerce: Successful e-commerce on Amazon requires strategic pricing, effective inventory management, and understanding customer feedback. Net Profit: Calculate your net profit by considering all costs, including product cost, Amazon fees, and shipping expenses. Inventory: Efficient inventory management is key to maintaining optimal stock levels and avoiding excess fees on Amazon. Profit Margins: Regularly monitor and adjust your profit margins to ensure financial health in the fluctuating e-commerce marketplace. Fee: Incorporate Amazon's FBA fees into your financial planning to maintain profitability and competitive pricing. FBA: Utilize Amazon's FBA tool to simplify logistics, but factor in its fees and requirements in your pricing and inventory strategies.