How to Change Amazon Store Name?

How to Change Amazon Store Name
  1. Access your Seller Central account
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Click on “Account Info
  4. Click on your Seller Profile
  5. Look for the current display name of your store
  6. Click the “Edit” button
  7. Change the name of your store
  8. Click on Save

Choose a suitable and professional name that reflects your brand and the products you sell. Once you have decided on a new name, enter it in the provided field and save your changes. Your Amazon Store Name should now be updated, and the new name will be reflected on your Amazon product pages.

Keep your store name compliant with Amazon’s policies and avoid using misleading or inappropriate words. A clear and appealing store name can attract more customers and grow your business on Amazon.

Accessing Seller Central Account

To change the name of your store, first, you need to access your Amazon Seller Central account. Log in using your credentials, and once you are inside the dashboard, navigate to the settings section, usually in the upper right corner.

Choosing an Appropriate and Professional Store Name

You must select a suitable and professional store name when creating a strong presence on Amazon. Your store’s name should be unique, easily remembered, and effectively represent your brand’s values. This section will explore two approaches to finding an ideal store name: Using Online Name Generators and Considering Visibility and SEO.

Using Online Name Generators

An easy and effective way to generate unique store name ideas is by using online name generators. These tools can spark creativity, help you brainstorm, and save time. To use such a generator, input relevant keywords or ideas, and you will receive numerous suggestions. Experiment with combinations and variations until you find a name that resonates with your vision.

Considering Visibility and SEO

While a catchy and unique name is important, don’t forget to factor in your store’s visibility and search engine optimization (SEO) aspects. Choose a store name with relevant keywords to boost your online presence, making it easier for potential customers to find your products on Amazon. However, avoid keyword stuffing, as it may make your store name appear unprofessional. Instead, balance incorporating relevant keywords and maintaining a natural, appealing name.

In conclusion, selecting the right store name for your Amazon store is crucial to establishing a strong brand identity and attracting customers. Explore online name generators and consider visibility and SEO to find the perfect name for your online storefront.

Checking the Availability of Your Desired Store Name

Before changing your Amazon store name, it’s crucial to ensure that the desired name is available on the Amazon platform and as a potential domain for your e-commerce website. In this section, we’ll explore methods of verifying availability and avoiding any trademark infringements.

Using Domain Name Check Tools

To check the availability of your desired store name as a domain, you can use various domain name search tools available online. These tools allow you to quickly determine if your chosen name is available as a website domain (e.g., and will also provide alternative suggestions if it’s already taken.

Ensuring No Trademark Infringements

Before proceeding with your Amazon store name change, it’s essential to ensure that the new name doesn’t infringe on any existing trademarks. You should conduct a thorough trademark search using online resources like the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and WIPO Global Brand Database. Verifying that your chosen store name doesn’t conflict with existing trademarks will prevent future legal disputes and fines.

Remember, when changing your Amazon store name, always prioritize availability and adherence to trademark regulations. This process will help you establish a strong and legally secure e-commerce presence, ensuring your store can thrive in the competitive online marketplace.

The Importance of Store Names in Branding

Your Amazon store name has a significant impact on your branding strategy. Building your brand identity, differentiating your business from competitors, and connecting with your target audience is essential.

Choosing the right store name for your Amazon storefront is vital, as it helps customers recognize and remember your brand. Additionally, your store name contributes to brand cohesion across various marketing platforms and channels.

When selecting your Amazon store name, consider factors like relevance to your product offerings, memorability, and the target audience’s preferences. A well-crafted store name helps create a strong first impression on potential customers, resulting in better brand recall.

Consistency is crucial in brand building. Therefore, it’s essential to maintain a consistent store name across your Amazon storefront and other marketing channels like social media, email marketing, and your website. This uniformity fosters trust among customers as they see a seamless and recognizable brand presence.

In conclusion, investing time and effort in choosing the right Amazon store name is critical to your brand’s success. A strong store name enhances your brand identity, helps differentiate your business from competitors, connects with your target audience, and fosters customer trust.

Remember to make the store name unique, relevant, and memorable to maximize the benefits of a well-constructed brand identity.

Keywords in Storefront Name: Pros and Cons

pros cons

When considering keywords in your Amazon storefront name, weighing the potential benefits and drawbacks is important. Here, we’ll examine the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision.


  1. Improved visibility: Incorporating relevant keywords into your storefront name can increase the chances of your store appearing in Amazon search results, ultimately driving more potential customers to your store.
  2. Brand association: Including keywords related to your products or niche can help potential customers quickly understand your store’s focus and establish a brand association. Targeting a specific market or product category can be especially helpful.
  3. Competitive advantage: Using keywords strategically can give you an edge over your competitors by making your store more discoverable and appealing to customers searching for specific products.


  1. Perceived spamminess: Overuse of keywords in your storefront name may come across as overly promotional and may deter some potential customers. It’s important to balance incorporating keywords and keeping your store name professional.
  2. Limited flexibility: Once you have chosen a store name containing specific keywords, it may be difficult to pivot your product offerings or expand into new categories without changing your store name. This can confuse existing customers and affect your store’s reputation.
  3. Potential policy violations: Amazon has certain guidelines regarding using keywords in store names. Violating these guidelines could make your store penalized or suspended, so it’s vital to ensure that you adhere to their rules.

In conclusion, while using keywords in your storefront name can offer various advantages, it’s crucial to approach this decision thoughtfully and comply with Amazon’s guidelines. If done correctly, incorporating keywords can help boost your store’s visibility and establish a strong brand identity, increasing the likelihood of driving sales and improving overall performance.

Considerations for Rebranding Your Amazon Store

Timing Your Rebrand

When considering a rebrand of your Amazon store, timing is crucial. Reflect on your sales performance and identify any signs of stagnation or decline. A well-timed rebrand can help you regain lost momentum and positively impact your target audience. To minimize disruption during the transition, you can plan your rebrand during your store’s off-peak season or a period of lower sales so that you can focus on implementing the changes effectively.

Studying Competitor Brands

Before rebranding your Amazon store, take the time to study your competitors and analyze the competition in your market. Understand the branding strategies employed by successful competitors and identify areas where your brand can stand out. Utilize this information to make informed decisions about your new brand name, design elements, and marketing approaches. Remember that you should aim to create a unique and memorable identity that differentiates your store from others while maintaining a clear and consistent message to your customers.

Best Practices for Naming Your Amazon Store

Being Memorable

When naming your Amazon store, choosing a name that is memorable and resonates with your target audience is crucial. Your store name should be easy to recall and make a lasting impression. This helps customers associate your store with your products, which may increase loyalty and repeat purchases. Consider using unique, keyword-rich words reflective of your niche market while avoiding trademarks or brand names that can get you into legal trouble.

Keeping It Short and Sweet

Another best practice for naming your Amazon store is to keep it short and sweet. A shorter store name is usually more memorable and easier for customers to remember. Furthermore, a concise name may be more likely to leave a lasting impression, as it can be quickly read and understood. When choosing your Amazon display or seller display name, limit the length to a few words, ensuring that it represents your products or services. Feel free to use abbreviations, acronyms, or creative word combinations as long as they remain clear and recognizable.

Overview of Amazon’s Policies

When managing your Amazon store, it’s crucial to be aware of Amazon’s policies regarding store names. By following these guidelines, you ensure smooth operations and avoid potential issues. This section will discuss two essential aspects of Amazon’s store name policies: Understanding Restricted Words and Avoiding Trademarked Terms.

Understanding Restricted Words

Amazon lists words that are restricted from using in-store names. These words are generally associated with Amazon’s brand or are misleading to customers. For example, you cannot use words like “Amazon,” “Prime,” “Kindle,” or any other Amazon-related terms in your store name. Review Amazon’s policies on restricted words before finalizing your store name to prevent any issues or policy violations.

Avoiding Trademarked Terms

Another critical aspect of Amazon’s policies is avoiding the use of trademarked terms in your store name. Trademarked terms are words or phrases protected by legal rights and owned by a specific brand or company. Integrating trademarked terms in your store name without permission can result in legal disputes and potential removal of your store from Amazon.

Research and double-check your desired store name to prevent trouble and ensure it doesn’t include trademarked terms. This will help you maintain a reputable store and avoid potential infringements. Keep your store name original and unique to reflect your brand identity while adhering to Amazon’s policies.

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